Saturday, November 25, 2006

In the Abyss

David Rothkopf, a Carnegie Endowment for International Peace fellow and the author of "Running the World: The Inside Story of the National Security Council and the Architects of American Power" in today's Washington Post:

"The situation [in Iraq] is deteriorating more rapidly than anyone anticipated and to an unending depth. I don't think, in modern American history, there is another example of such egregious failure of policy and execution. We're really seeing something unprecedented here. Even Vietnam was a slower decline, and the military forces were more in balance. . . . I don't know anyone who thinks there is an outcome in Iraq now that is hopeful."

George W. BushCheney remains hopeful. He says so in every speech and is willing to send ever more Americans to their death so he can remain hopeful. As long as Americans fight in Iraq, BushCheney can hope that he will never have to acknowledge the disaster he brought to the nation and the world. I guess that's reason to hope.


Blogger Jim Yeager said...

Reading the news about Iraq these days has a pungently surreal quality to it: the media seem reluctant to call a civil war a civil war. As if calling it that will make it one.

This Just In, creatures of the media: Iraq has descended into civil war. Descended into civil war a good while ago, truth be told. When Sunni Iraqis and Shiite Iraqis are actively butchering each other in multiple places and on a daily basis, they're engaging in civil war. Okay?

You can resume covering TomKat now...

12:35 PM  

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