Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Light Blogging Ahead

I'm on the road for a few days, delivering darkroom equipment to the Tse Ho Tso Middle School in Fort Defiance, Arizona. In the next few weeks, I am packing and arranging to move to Olympia, Washington. The move is a longtime goal for Maggie and me both. We've been talking about it for a year and a half but events and inertia have conspired to keep us here in Phoenix. Now it's time to force the matter and just go. Damn all the uncertainties and loose ends. If I wait to figure everything out, I'll die in Phoenix.

The darkroom delivery is part of the move. My equipment has been in storage for almost 10 years. Throughout most of my career, I've worked in group darkrooms at community colleges and recreation centers. Having my own darkroom was convenient but I learned a lot more working in a group setting. I found a community darkroom at The Evergreen State College in Olympia that I can use on an occasional basis so I will no longer need my own. One of my friends from the college darkroom in Gallup, New Mexico teaches photography in Fort Defiance and will put my gear to good use.

I leave tomorrow on that long, spectacular drive to the northeastern Arizona. After that, it's on to Washington.

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Blogger The Minstrel Boy said...

nil gozhoo le nah il kah shilah

(happy trails my brother)

i'm heading up to the superstitions for a few days of soul healing. be at peace. enjoy your new home.

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Olympia is wonderful, come join us on http://www.olyblog.net/ if you haven't found us already, great community local blogging.

4:59 PM  
Blogger cile said...

Looking forward to seeing you!

6:39 PM  

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